Mobile & Strong

Far be it from us to slow down at The Mill! With our numbers growing and space not changing, we were challenged with outfitting and executing a mobile location for our Stratford campus.

Leadership Development

At the same time that Stratford went mobile, a leadership change at our Edgar location highlighted the need to cultivate leaders in our music program. Our team stepped up to the challenge. Here's a breakdown:

  • Team members started giving more of their time across locations
  • 3 new worship leaders have stepped up to lead
  • A number of new instrumentalists and vocalists have started contributing

Sunday Excellence

Going mobile forced our team to become great at many things all at the same time. The daunting task of setting up every week was met by the strong resolve of those on the team and increased by a number of new members to the tech team. 

Within 6 weeks of us launching our mobile Stratford location, our Tech team, along with our Apes, were setting up, running, and tearing down everything on their own (without me), which is a feat I am proud to recall.

Seasons of Worship

We continued to organize our services in Seasons of Worship. We explored a number of new artists and themes, while seeking to direct our congregation to pursue our Creator and Lord collectively. Here's a recap of two of those seasons:

Summer 2016

Fall 2016


We made it through a number of challenges and changes this year. We still have plenty of areas to grow as a music ministry and a number of opportunities for training and growth technically. We're looking forward to growing as a team, developing our crafts, and growing in experience and confidence together.

Also (shameless plug), we're always looking for musicians that love worshiping God! We'd love to hear from you. And likewise if you are interested in learning about our tech! So here's to a great year!


Adam Schnaare, music Pastor