Children's Ministry @ The Mill

It has been such a pleasure and privilege to not only transition into my role Children’s Pastor, but also to transition into meeting in Stratford Elementary on Sunday mornings, where we have been so blessed with more than adequate space for all of our Children’s Ministry needs. I have enjoyed seeing my own kids and dozens of other kids grow in their knowledge of Scripture.

Missions & Teaching

RockZone kids (i.e., grades Kindergarten through 5th), have learned Biblical aspects of family, anger, and courage using a video based curriculum that they love, Konnect Station. They also had a Christmas lesson and memorized a song and verse to perform on Christmas Eve. The RockZone kids learn the importance of missions, and collect an offering each week. The generous students gave $635.07 for missions in 2016! They are encouraged to bring money for offering each week, their Bibles, and a take home lesson from the previous week; parents are encouraged to discuss their students’ lessons with them.


A group of leaders, called the Green Team, has been raised up in RockZone. This is a group of 3rd-5th graders who set an example by living out their faith and taking on leadership roles on Sunday mornings. These kids thrive and shine as they are given responsibilities such as running the computer and sound, greeting and checking out their peers, and helping set up and tear down the classroom space (i.e., currently the elementary cafeteria). Many of the younger students look forward to the privilege of serving on this team when they enter 3rd grade.


PebbleZone toddlers started using a new and exciting curriculum through the Bible App for Kids. These kids are getting used to structure and routine in their class as they learn Bible stories. They have learned the Biblical account of creation as found in the book of Genesis, the first sin in the story of Adam and Eve, and the gift of baby Jesus.


Our babies are not only being loved on and prayed over in the nursery, but they are also learning basic Biblical truths using a curriculum designed specifically for infants. Their teachers sing a song related to the lesson that really captures the babies’s attention!


My transition at The Mill and the church’s transition into meeting at the school would not have been so easy and smooth without so many new and veteran volunteers. Thanks to all of you who set up/tear down each week, teach our children, and cheer me on!

Many blessings,

Jocelyn Cavadini, Children's Director