Why Generosity?
Generosity is really the “hidden gem” in the process of disciple-making! Think about it! There is very little we do that does not require some type of financial decision. Do we go out to eat? Do we grab coffee at Cenex when we fill up? Do we buy the newest style of cleats or the ones on the clearance rack? If we’re honest with ourselves, we’d admit experiencing the allure of money at some point in our lives.
For this reason, Jesus spoke often on the topic of our treasure (possessions), our attitude about our possessions, and in the end, who actually owns everyone’s possessions. We need only look to the story of the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22) to realize that the stewardship of our resources is of utmost importance to God.
During the BOLD initiative, we will talk a lot about generosity. It’s important to understand that generosity impacts so much more than just our money. Generosity is a byproduct of our spiritual transformation. Jesus, who we know had little in the way of possessions, was the most generous person to ever live. The stronger our relationship with Jesus becomes, the more generous we become!
Generosity is, without a doubt, a matter of the heart. The Generosity Ladder (below) is a tool designed to help us think more critically about our generosity journey. To move up this ladder is an intentional effort that begins when we realize how much we’ve been given by God. Climbing this ladder isn’t about us. Rather, moving up the ladder is an exercise that brings us closer to Him.
Ask Yourself
Over the next few weeks, as you look at and think about this ladder, ask yourself,
“Why is my generosity important to God?”
“Where on this ladder am I, at present?”
“By God’s grace, where would I really like to be?”