Day 24 - My Hiding Place

You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance.
Psalm 32:7
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
2 Timothy 4:18


Heavenly Father, if only I could see the army of angels around me, protecting me, going before me. Thank You for protecting me from trouble. How many times have I been late and held up in traffic, not knowing that it was for a good reason—to prevent me from getting into an accident! Send your angels to minister to me and my family, protect me from all forms of sickness, harm and accidents. You have even delivered me from my sin. But I have to do my part by running away from evil. The Spirit is willing but my flesh is often weak. Help me to do all things through Christ who strengthens me! In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen.


The next time you feel sin overcoming you, shout to the Lord, “God deliver me!” Know that victory is already yours in His name.

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