Megan Marshall Care Community Calendar

Megan Marshall, part of The Mill Church Edgar family, is undergoing extensive shoulder surgery and will be recovering throughout the month of June. Instead of meals, Megan has requested visits from church family members. If you are interested in serving Megan by paying her a visit, you can volunteer at the following Lotsa Helping Hands care calendar:

Once you've created an account and are logged on to Megan's care community page, click on the "Calendar" tab, go to the month of June, and select the "Visit Megan" date that works best for you. If you click on the green "Volunteer" text box, you'll be signed up to visit Megan that day. Megan's address is listed on the website. The times are pretty flexible, so if a certain time doesn't work for you, you can text Megan directly and see if an earlier/later time would work for her.


Please don't hesitate to let Rachel Tarmann know at (920) 344-6511 or

Thanks so much!