Hurricane Harvey Donations

Mill Church, we wanted to bring to your attention that AMS in Stratford is collecting donations for people affected by Hurricane Harvey.  See the note from AMS below:

As many of you know AMS has sent two boats down to Texas and Louisiana to aide with rescue and recovery.  We are feeling helpless here so we’ve decided to accept NON CASH donations from the community that we will have shipped down within a week or so.  

Please bring your donations to the Office of AMS Bowfishing and they will direct you from there.  We would like to keep this accumulation of goods as organized as possible with as little re-handling as possible so please...please...please... Sort your stuff as follows and we’ll palletize from there.  We want a pallet of water, pallet of baby stuff etc.  We have to do the sorting for those receiving this stuff on their end.  We do have boxes here if necessary...but please box your own if possible.

Accepted Donations

  • Water/Gatorade
  • Baby Diapers / Wipes / baby food (avoid glass) / baby formula/Toys/baby blankets
  • Towels/& toiletries:   soap/shampoo/hand sanitizer/ Clorox wipes/ toothbrushes/tooth paste/.all things personal hygiene...
  • New or clean used clothing...sort by size and type... remember this is TXnot WI.  No winter stuff.
  • Non-perishable food items....including snack type items for rescuers – protein snacks etc. Beef Jerky.
  • Lighter blankets

Donations can be dropped off:

AMS office by Friday September 8 by 2:30pm.  Office hours are M-TH 8-5 and Fridays until 2:30 PM.

Tom and Carrie Curtice Home -  in the evenings after work, this week.
Tom and Carrie Curtice Home
704 Jonathan Drive
Stratford, WI 54484

Thank you everyone for your kindness and generosity toward the people affected by Hurricane Harvey!

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