Missions Moment: Wycliffe Bible Translators
We are excited to have Darren and Christina share about Wycliffe Bible Translators as our Missions Moment this Sunday, November 14th!
About Their Ministry
The Christensen family serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators and works to reach the world with God's Word from right here in the Marshfield area. Darren was a software developer in the corporate world for over 13 years before he transitioned to use his skills, knowledge and experience, to leverage them for the sake of eternity. Darren is thrilled to do what he loves - creating software that enables others to bring the Bible to those who have never had it in a language they understand best.
Darren, along with his teammates, create Paratext - the world’s leading software application for Bible translation. Using Paratext, almost 3,000 Bible Translations have been completed and over 2,000 more are actively being translated right now!
Christina is primarily educating and caring for their five children, though she's thankful God uses her passion, education and experience to advocate on behalf of the Bibleless peoples.
Prayer Requests
Pray for Darren's team as they gather in person (for the first time) November 8-11 in North Carolina. Pray this time together will strengthen their relationships with one another and invigorate their passion for the Bibleless people.
Pray for the Paratext team as they make their software easier to use for mother tongue translators (Bible translators who are native to their country) who have little to no computer and linguistic training. They are currently working to ensure their “help” will be available in many languages so translators who do not understand English will have help available in a language they understand.
Praise God that throughout the uncertainties Covid has brought to the world, Bible translation has continued! Praise God that the Bible is continuing to be translated even in highly sensitive areas where Christians are being persecuted.
Pray for continued protection and provision of those serving in Bible translation so God's Word will be available for all people.
"This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace." Colossians 1:6 (NLT)