The Mill Church

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Week 3

Big Idea

Our priorities determine our actions. What do we want our priorities to be, and why?

Scripture Study

Read Genesis 13:1-14.

Sermon Summary

  1. How did Abram demonstrate humility in this passage?
  2. How did Lot & Abram look at their worlds differently? How were their priorities communicated through the choices they made?
  3. How did Lot make his decision? How did Abram make his decision? When you are faced with a big life decision, how do you decide what to do? Why this method?
  4. In Genesis 13:14-17, whom does God bless, and why do you think so?
  5. What does this passage reveal about God’s priorities?

Personal Reflection

  1. God is omniscient, which means He knows all of your words, actions, and thoughts. Think about your conversations, interactions, and thought patterns from today. If you had a conversation with God right now, what would He say were your priorities today? 
  2. In Sunday’s sermon, we learned that everyone tithes their first and best to something or someone (see Genesis 14:17-24 for an example of Abraham tithing). What do you give your first and best amount of your paycheck to? What do you give your first and best amount of time to? What do you give your first and best talent to?
  3. We all desire to have the right priorities and the right actions, to live a life that has meaning and purpose. What do you want your priorities to be? Are these priorities evident in your everyday life? If not, what needs to change?
  4. Lot (and his family) suffered greatly from a crisis of leadership. Why does healthy multiplication demand wise, capable leadership? 
  5. What leadership qualities are necessary for healthy church planting/revitalization?