The Mill Church

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Week 2

Big Idea

God grows our faith by testing it. When we understand God’s commitment to us, we can confidently commit to Him.

Scripture Study

Read Genesis 15:1-21.

Sermon Summary

  1. How did Abram exhibit doubt in this passage? How does he exhibit faith? How did God respond to both Abram’s doubting and faith?
  2. How do we see a foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross in Genesis 15:9-21?
  3. God made a covenant with Abram and promised his descendants their own land to dwell in (15:18). What did He ask of Abram in return? What does this say about God’s character?
  4. What specific promises did God make to Abram and his offspring? Why would these promises be important for Abram to hear at this time in his life?
  5. How would God’s covenant with Abram (15:17-21) give Abram the confidence he needed to fully trust God’s promises? How can God’s commitment to Abram give us confidence in God’s promises today?

Personal Reflection

  1. Have you ever doubted God’s provision in your life? Talk about this.
  2. How has God grown your faith by testing it?
  3. Why does God often choose to multiply our faith before He chooses to multiply us? In other words, why does He often choose to do something IN us before He chooses to do something THROUGH us?
  4. How did Abraham’s commitment to the Lord lead to financial sacrifice? Why is it important to demonstrate our faith with our resources? 
  5. In this week’s passage, God promised Abraham not only a biological heir, but generations of descendants. In what ways might The Mill Church take steps with the BOLD Initiative to reach generations of our descendants with the Gospel?
  6. Abraham was told that his descendants would be “sojourners” in the land—a people of “temporary stays” (Webster). In what ways does church planting, today, involve “temporary stays?” Geographically? Relationally?