The Mill Church

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Love and Respect Marriage Conference Recap

On February 16, twelve couples from The Mill Church and the surrounding community attended Dr. Emerson's Eggerich's Love & Respect video-based marriage conference. Here was some of the feedback from the conference attenders:

  • "My biggest take-away was that men & women come at things from different angles. If you attribute your mindset to your spouse's response, you may misinterpret their motive and those false assumptions can lead to anger. Talk it out before jumping to conclusions."

  • "We loved the conference! Both of us thought the speaker was quite funny (we super liked him actually) and we could really relate to what he was saying. The whole conference was planned out perfectly! We were really blessed and appreciate all the hard work that went into putting it together. All in all we really liked the conference and would invite other couples to join us for the next one. We would love to attend more events!"

  • "Love and respect for your spouse must be unconditional, as it is actually God whom we are doing it for."

  • "We have a better understanding of how our partner thinks and reacts in reaction to our actions."

  • "Enjoyed the day! Thank you for offering it!"

  • "Thank you for organizing events like this. Highly appreciated."

Thank you to everyone who attended and made this event possible!