Week 1
Big Idea
God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others.
Scripture Study
Read Genesis 12:1-9.
Sermon Summary
- Why was Abram an unlikely candidate for God to call upon?
- What did God call Abram to do, and why was this such a radical calling?
- What does this passage reveal about God and His purposes?
- Why would God share promises with Abram that would ultimately take decades to be fulfilled? In verse 3, God promised Abram that “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” How are we still blessed today by Abram’s obedience to God?
- In Genesis 12:4, we learn that “Abram went as the LORD had told him.” Keep in mind that God never told Abram WHERE the promised land was (12:1) or HOW Abram would become a great nation (12:2).
- Abram probably had a lot more questions of God than he did answers, and yet...he “went as the LORD had told him.” Have you ever had an experience where you promised to follow God, even though you weren’t 100% sure how it was going to turn out? What was this experience like, and what did you learn from it?
Personal Reflection
- God put a personal calling on Abram’s life. Abram had to decide whether or not he would follow God’s commands. No one else could make this decision for him. What does it look like for you to really follow (personally) God today?
- Where are you tempted to find your security besides Christ? In other words, what areas of your life are you unwilling to offer to God completely? What are some steps you can take to place your full security in Him?
- In Genesis 12:2, God promises to “bless [Abram] and make [his] name great” in order for Abram “to be a blessing.” In other words, God blesses Abram so that Abram can turn around and bless others. How has God blessed you? What does it look like for you to “be a blessing” in return?
- How did Jesus make a way for all of humanity to become Abraham’s “descendants”? In what ways is the local church called to “be fruitful and multiply” today?
- What did it cost Abraham to begin an adventure with God? In what ways will fruitful multiplication in rural, Central Wisconsin cost our church family?