The Mill Church

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Day 10 - Shield

Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
2 Samuel 22:31


Father God, the Author of everything true, our sure and faithful Protector, help me come to You for perspective. I have a limited view and understanding. I’m not sure where I’ve been and where I’m going. When I try to fashion my own truth and principles to live by, I fail miserably. I am not able to foresee the consequences. Your truth is the only truth that is consistent and uncorrupted. Help me not to add to, take away from, or distort it—for myself or others. In Your Gracious Name, Amen.


Type 2 Samuel 22:31 into your device as your screensaver or background. Optionally, tape it to your steering wheel to meditate on at traffic stops.